R&W Abo Buch Datenbank Veranstaltungen Betriebs-Berater
Property in Goods and the CISG (2024), S. 123—149 
§ 4: Property and the characterization … 
Till Maier-Lohmann 

123 § 4: Property and the characterization of a sales contract under the CISG


Article 1 of the CISG states that the CISG applies to “contracts of sale of goods” but does not define explicitly when a contract can be thus qualified.559 Article 1(1) requires examination of whether the characteristics of a sales contract are present in the parties’ contract, regardless of the exam terms used by the parties.560 To enumerate the characteristics of a sales contract is, however, a challenging endeavor and requires scrutinizing the obligations and remedies the parties agreed upon. This chapter will address whether property and its transfer are necessary or even relevant features of a sales contract under the CISG.

559 Court of Appeal ’s-Hertogenbosch, 18 January 2011, CISG-online 2179 para. 4.4.2; High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia, 19 December 2006, CISG-online 3284; Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schwenzer/Hachem, 4th edn, Art. 1 para. 8; Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter/Hachem, 5th edn, Art. 1 para. 8 MüKoHGB/Mankowski, Art. 1 para. 11; Mankowski/Mankowski, Art. 1 CISG para. 2; Karollus, p. 20; Piltz, Internationales Kaufrecht, para. 2-20.
560 In Martini e Ricci Iamino S.p.A. v. Trinity Fruit Sales Co., US District Court for the Eastern District of California, 2 July 2014, CISG-online 2949 the court chooses the correct starting point in stating the CISG does not define the term “sale”, but unfortunately (and in violation of Art. 7(1) CISG) uses the UCC’s definition of a sale to delineate the scope of the CISG.